Polymer selforganization
overview. The main research involve studies of some polymers with
complex chemical structure, generate in solution and in solid state as thin films, aggregates of nanometer size.
These nanometer structures offer the polymer outstanding properties with applications in non- conventional
technologies. These applications are also favoured by the
photochrome properties of some groups type trans-stiblene and diazo-benzene from the polymer chains of
the compounds which are to be studied during the project development. The main part of the research is focussed on
getting deep knowledge on the self-organization phenomenon and the processes that lead to the appearance of
self-organized structures inside the photo-functional amorphous materials. For example, the photo-sensitivity of
the polymers that contain diazo-benzene groups is of basic importance not only as a model of structure for studies
concerning the energy absorption or as investigation source in self-organized systems, but also as photo-sensitive
materials for the realization of devices with various applications in
nanotechnologies [Georgeta Strat, M.Strat, S. Gurlui, C.Focsa, D. Dimitriu, Series: Optoelectronic Materials
and Devices, titlul cartii: Self- Organization in Nanomaterials, Editors: Punit Boolchand, Gerald Lucovsky, M.
Popescu, Editura INOE, 2007, p.53-91].
It is also known that certain derivates of
cholesteryl form different types of molecular assemblies in aquaeus solutions, such as lyotrope structures of
liquid crystals, micelles, ordered nano-layers, etc. The formation of these molecular assemblies is mainly the
result of the molecular associations that appear due to the universal and specific molecular interactions
[Georgeta Strat, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 76, 79-83,
( 2002 )]. The studies made evident still another aspect. In
this type of polymers, the liotrope meso-phases can be also generated in solution if we choose, for instance a good
solvent for the mesogene groups and a bed solvent for the polymer chain or the other way round. In this binary
solvent mixtures, for example a polar solvent and a non-polar one, or a polar solvent and a less polar one, a
critical concentration of one of the solvents appears such that the solvite, for example cholesteryl
6-(methacryloyloxy)hexanoate and a small amount of (1-pyrenylmethyl) 6-(methacryloyloxy)hexanoate (Py-C5-MA)
generate molecular aggregates of the form [poly(Chol- C5-MA/Py-C5-MA)] [Shin- Ichi Yusa, Mikiharu Kamachi, Yotaro Morishima, SHIN-ICHI YUSA, J Polym Sci A: Polym
Chem 37: 47 (1999)].
Knowledge of the processes that lead to the
appearance of the self-organization phenomenon and, on this basis, of the nano-structures, is very important since
it permits the controlled action at a molecular and atomic level during the operation of nanomaterial preparation.
This control at atomic and molecular level is necessary for the development of new technologies able to work at a
nano-scale in a controlled and reproducible manner, representing the basis for the future production processes.
Many of these technologies, such as SPM (Scanning Probe Microscopy), were first developed in research laboratories,
but we need to specify that they have not yet reached their entire potential [C. P. Poole and F. J. Owens, Introduction to the
Nanotechnology (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003].
The ascending dynamics of practical
applicability imposed the increase of the demand of conjugated polymers, soluble and processable as thin films. The
creation of multi-functional materials directed toward various applications imposes an inter-disciplinary approach
of the phenomena governing their properties, by getting together the knowledge from the fields of physics,
chemistry and material science as modern working instruments. The theme approach is justified by the fact that the
super-molecular ensembles posess well-defined characteristics, offering an alternative in the preparation of new
materials, with specific properties in various applications [T. Takata, N. Kihara, Y. Furusho, Adv Polym Sci, 2004; 171; F. Huang, H.W. Gibson, Progr.
in Polym.Sci., 2005, 30(10), 982]. The self-assemblage of molecules offers unique opportunities for applications in high performance
fields, such as electronics, de-pollution and mass transfer or catalysis [A. Harada, Acta Polymerica, 1998, 49, 3]. The
macroscopic properties of the assemblies are the result of the combination between the molecular structure and
macroscopic organization in diverse conditions of temperature and environment.
Polymer ablation still yields a big
potential, even though it has a research field over 20 years. Although, generally
commercially known available polymers
such as polyamide (KAPTON, APICAL, UPILEX), polymetilmetacrylate (MAKROFOL), polyester (MYLAR), etc that are
applied in extensive papers, both for fundamental and applicative research area, make them unsuitable for
high quality structuring, e.g. low sensitivity, carbonization upon radiation, redeposition of ablated melting
material on the polymer structure surface, etc. [T. Lippert, M. Hauer, C.R. Phipps and A.
Wokaun, Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 77 (2003), pp.
laser polymer ablation mechanism is a complex interrelated system where the photochemical and phototermal
reactions are very important. Photochemical decomposition is intrinsically
capable of higher spatial resolution because thermal damage to the surrounding material is minimal and explains
many futures of laser ablation, especially in the low fluence range. A study concerning the surface structuring capacity of the polymers showed
that the irradiation conditions significantly influence the surface geometry of the
polymers.For example, the photo-sensitivity of the polymers that contain
diazo-benzene groups is of basic importance not only as a model of structure for studies concerning the
energy absorption or as investigation source in self-organized systems, but also
as photo-sensitive materials for the realization of devices with various applications in
nanotechnologies.Surface irradiation was carried out under the action of
an optical radiation field with a controlled distribution represented by an interference pattern of
electromagnetic radiation beams. The explanation of the surface patterning in azo-polymer materials as on
optical -mechanical effect is quite true it take into account the well known concept of the self- structuring and self-organizing phenomena [G. Strat, M. Strat, S. Gurlui, C. Focsa,
D. Dimitriu, Self organization in nanomaterials, Ed. INOE, 5, 53 (2007); Stephen J. Blundell, Katherine M.
Blundell Concepts in Thermal Physics. Oxford University Press.
ISBN 978-0198567707.(2008)].Self- organization and
spontaneous ordering into the periodic structure can be found in different fields of science. As an
example, plasma is a strong nonlinear medium, very suitable for the development of self-organized structures inside it.
G. Strat,
M. Strat, S. Gurlui, C. Focsa, D. Dimitriu
INOE Publishing House, Series: Optoelectronic
Materials and Devices, Romania, Bucharest,
2007. Self- Organization in
- Prof. Punit Boolchand,
Solid State Physics and
Electronics Lab.University of Cincinnati,
- Prof. Gerald
Lucovsky Physics Department North Carolina
State University
Optic and Spectral
Characteristics of Some Aromatic Co-Polyethers Embedded in Polymer Matrices, M. Strat, M. Delibas, Georgeta.
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The Study of the
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(2002)Optical and Dielectric
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Photochromic and
Dielectric Properties of Diazobenzene Polymers in Foils and Tabletes, M. Strat and Irinel Grecu, Revista de Chimie ( Bucuresti ), Materiale Plastice, Vol. 40, Nr. 3, p. 116-120
Synthesis and
Fluorescence of polyurethane cationomers n- modified with a stilbene chromophore, E. Buruiana,
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Photocromic properties of some diazobenzene copolymers in solutions, Irinel Grecu, Georgeta Strat, S. Gurlui and. M. Strat, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol 7, nr.
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Fluorescence Properties
of the Polyurethane with Anchored Stilbene Chromophore, Georgeta Strat, E.
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Synthesis of polyurerhane catioonomers with anil groups: intramolecular proton transfer
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Synthesis of ionic
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Spectral and
Thermogravimetric Analysis of Some
Poly(carboxybetaine)s Polymers, M.Strat, S. Vasiliu, G. Strat, C. Luca, I. Grecu, S.Gurlui, S.I. Stratulat, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol 8, nr.
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Photochromic and
Dielectric Properties of Some Diazobenzene Polymers in Foils and Tablets, Georgeta Strat, M.
Stratand S. Gurlui, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 54, Nr 1- 4/ 5-8, (
New Stabilizers for Poly( vinyl chloride) based on 2`-
Hydroxybenzalacetophenone, Strat G. POLYMER DEGRAD. STABIL. 76(1),p. 79-83 (2002)
Fluorescence Studies of the Self-
Organization of Some Polyurethane in Film State and Solutions, Georgeta Strat, Irinel Grecu, S. Gurlui, M.Strat, V.Grecu, I.Lihtetchi
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Structure and mechanical properties of
nanocomposites based on polypropilene and polyethylene, Irinel Grecu, Georgeta Strat, S. Gurlui, V. Grecu, I. Lihtetchi, M.Strat,
S. Stratulat and Codruta Picealca, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,
Vol. 10, Nr. 6, (2008)