Atmosphere Optics, Spectroscopy and Lasers Laboratory  LOA-SL



Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) within Space Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Program (Project nr. 98/29.11.2013,Director Gurlui Silviu



The aim of this project is to analysing the climate pollution influence, current and future impacts of subsonic aviation, radiative effects resulting from aircraft engine emission, UV radiation This project may have a high contribution in understanding the atmosphere phenomenon, phisico-chemical processes in the environmental protection. The technology used is based on the laser spectroscopy that introduces complementary approach to the classical methods that include satellite data. Because of high temporal and spatial resolution trace particles detection up to 15 Km in altitude the system may solve some critical point in the atmosphere physics but also in the influence of the certain perturbation like natural phenomenon or human activity (industry, aircraft emission, cosmic impact, storms Sun, etc), all of these having a crucial influence over the climate change and the entire ecosystem.


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The project “Fast laser imaging, detection and ranging of aerosol emissions in aircraft plumes” has the main objective to develop a new techniques where coupled high resolution laser, passive and active remote optical emission spectroscopy instruments are used in order to resolve different aerosol emissions in aircraft plumes. With this project we are able to measure and monitor a large type of chemical and toxic compounds, their kinetics and physical properties at high temporal and spatial resolution level. Physico-chemical properties of -mixture low temperature chemical compounds, dust particles plume and solid samples, both the earth climate change and astrobiology directions may be successfully investigated.

Moreover, real time images of the atmosphere plume structures may be continuously monitorized, even in the spectroscopy mode, in order to obtaining:

  • detecting and monitoring of the aircraft emitted gases and particles (both in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere): 
  • a broad range of a given chemical space distribution;   
  • recording fast absorption spectra of free atmosphere from UV to IR;   
  • detection and characterization of carcinogenic BaP or PAH compounds adsorbed on the soot in a given smoke plume, bacterial and fungal spores and biogenic aerosols;   
  • composition dynamics influences upon the ice nucleation, etc. 


Preliminary results 2014 


Preliminary results 2015






Lista completă a lucrărilor publicate 2014-2015


Lucrari ISI (8)


  1. A. Timofte, L. Belegante, M.M. Cazacu, Albina, C. Talianu, S. Gurlui, Study of planetary boundary layer height from LIDAR measurements and ALARO model, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Volume: 17 Issue: 7-8 Pages: 911-917 Published: JUL-AUG 2015 
  2. L. Belegante, M.M. Cazacu, A.Timofte, F. Toanca, J. Vasilescu, M.I. Rusu, N. Ajtai, H.I. Stefanie, I. Vetres, Al. Ozunu, S. Gurlui, Case study of the first volcanic ash exercise in romania using remote sensing techniques, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 14, iss. 11, 2015, acceptat pentru publicare 
  3. M. Cazacu, O. Tudose, A. Timofte, O. Rusu, L. Apostol, L. Leontie, S. Gurlui, A case study of the aerosol behaviour optical properties under the incidence of Saharian intrusion event, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research Journal, trimisă spre publicare 
  4. Mihai Marius Cazacu, Adrian Timofte, Florin Unga, Bogdan Albina, Silviu Gurlui, AERONET data investigation of the aerosol mixtures over Iasi area, One-year time scale overview,  Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Available online 21 September 2014, ISSN 0022-4073, 
  5. Bogdan Albina, Marius Mihai Cazacu, Adrian Timofte, Dan Gheorghe Dimitriuand Silviu Octavian Gurlui, Studies of planetary boundary layer by infrared thermal imagery,  AIP Conf. Proc. 1634, 174 (2014); 
  6.  L. Labzovskii, F. Toanca, S. Stefan, Determination of Saharan Dust Properties over Bucharest, Romania. Part 1: Procedures and Algorithms,, Romanian Journal of Physics, Vol. 59, No. 9-10, 2014, acceptata spre publicare 
  7. L. Labzovskii, F. Toanca, D. Nicolae, Determination of Saharan Dust Properties over Bucharest, Romania. Part 2: Study Cases Analysis, , Romanian Journal of Physics, Vol. 59, No. 9-10, 2014, acceptata spre publicare 
  8. L. Belegante, M.M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, F. Toanca, J. Vasilescu, M.I. Rusu, N. Ajtai, H. Stefanie, I. Vetres, A. Ozunu, S. Gurlui, Romanian Participation To Volcanic Ash Exercise Volcex 2014,  Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, trimisa spre publicare 


Conferințe  (35)

  1. D. Nicolae, A. Nemuc, S. Andrei, A. Dandocsi, H. Stefanie, Aerosol variability in Romania from combined remote sensing data, SPIE Remote Sensing, Toulouse, 21-24 Sept. 2015, prezentare orală
  2. L. Belegante, V. Freudenthaler, A. Nemuc, J. Vasilescu, I. Binietoglou, C. Radu, V.F. Benciu, D. Nicolae, Calibrated depolarization retrievals using lidar, SPIE Remote Sensing SPIE Remote Sensing, Toulouse, 21-24 Sept. 2015, prezentare poster
  3. S. Andrei, N. Barbu, A. Nemuc, I. Binietoglou, A. Dandocsi, H. Stefanie, Aerosol Type Assessment at Magurele (Romania) Based on Remote Sensing Measurements and Large Scale Circulation Patterns, 15th EMS Annual Meeting, Sofia, 7 - 11 September 2015, prezentare poster
  4. D. Nicolae, L. Belegante, C. Talianu, J. Vasilescu, Using artificial neural networks to retrieve the aerosol type from multi-spectral lidar data, International Conference „European Geosciences Union”, Viena, 12 – 17 April, 2015, prezentare orală
  5. M. M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, O. Rusu, G. Bulai, S. Gurlui, Study of the physico-chemical properties of the atmosphere dynamics: long distance remote laser induced raman & breakdown spectroscopy, Environment & Progress, Simpozion național cu participare internatională, 30 Octombrie 2015 – prezentare orală.
  6. B. Albina, M:M. Cazacu, O. Rusu, G. Bulai, S. Gurlui, K. Stebel, Preliminary investigation of Turceni power plant SO2 emissions by imaging techniques, Environment & Progress, Simpozion național cu participare internatională, 30 Octombrie 2015 – prezentare poster.
  7. M. Iftime, M.M. Cazacu, S. Gurlui, L. Blarel, P. Goloub, Optical analysis of atmospheric aerosols using a handheld sunphotometer. a case study of calitoo system, Environment & Progress, Simpozion național cu participare internatională, 30 Octombrie 2015 – prezentare poster.
  8. M. M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, O. Rusu, B. Albina, G. Bulai, L. Leontie, and S. Gurlui, Advanced optical remote sensors for airborne and spaceborne platforms, The 4th International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices, 31 August - 4 Septembrie 2015, Budva, Montenegro – prezentare orală
  9. O. Rusu, A. Timofte, M. M. Cazacu, B. Albina, G. Tiron, L. Leontie, S. O. Gurlui, A case study of the transport processes of tropospheric aerosols over the Ciric-Iasi leisure area, Workshop on Condensed matter research by means of neutron scattering methods, 4 – 7 Iulie, 2015, Constanța, România – prezentare poster
  10. 10. H.I. Ștefanie, M.M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, F. Benciu, A. Dandocsi, S. Solomos, A. Ozunu, Assessing the presence of biomass burning aerosols above Romania during the fires around Chernobyl – Ukraine in May 2015 using remote sensing techniques, Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting, 19 Iunie 2015, București, România – prezentare orală
  11. 11. A. Timofte, M.M. Cazacu, L. Belegante, H. Ştefănie, C. Radu, B. Albina, S. Gurlui, Laser and Optical Remote-sensing of atmospheric LAYers (LORELAY) campaign, during autumn season, Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting, 19 Iunie 2015, București, România – prezentare orală
  12. 12. B. Albina, O. Rusu, A. Timofte, M. M. Cazacu, L. Leontie, G. Tiron, S. O. Gurlui, Monitoring the environmental factors in Ciric Leisure Area to identify pollutant intrusions, International Symposium: Present Environment and Sustainable Development – 10th edition, Iași, România, 5 – 7 Iunie, 2015 – prezentare orală 
  13. M. Iftime, I. Popovici, F. Unga, M.M. Cazacu, S. Gurlui, P. Goloub, Studiu de caz privind determinarea acurateții fotometrelor solare și lunare, Comunicări științifice studențești, Farphys 2015 – 24 Octombrie 2015, Iași, România
  14. O. Rusu, L. Leontie, B. Albina, A. T., I. A. Popescu, A. Timofte, G.Tiron, M. M. Cazacu, S. O. Gurlui, Monitorizarea factorilor de mediu in zona de agrement Ciric in vederea identificarii intruziunilor de poluanti, The 44th National Conference on Physics and Modern Education Technologies - FTEM 2015, 15-16 Mai 2015, Iași, România – prezentare poster
  15. M. Iftime, M.M. Cazacu, B. Albina, S.I. Stratulat, S. Gurlui, Exposomul: un nou concept privind studiile impactului calității mediului atmosferic asupra sănătății, The 44th National Conference on Physics and Modern Education Technologies - FTEM 2015, 15-16 Mai 2015, Iași, România – prezentare poster
  16. B. Albina, M.M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, S. Gurlui, Preliminary Analysis of the First Measurements at the New AERONET’s Iasi Site, The 44th National Conference on Physics and Modern Education Technologies - FTEM 2015, 15-16 Mai 2015, Iași, România – prezentare poster
  17. Estimation of Humidity Effects on Biomass Burning Aerosol Optical Properties, L. Labzovskii, Romanian Projects and Initiatives in Support of ESA’s Earth Observation Envelope Programme Workshop, Magurele, 3 nov 2015, prezentare orală
  18. Adrian Timofte, Marius-Mihai Cazacu, Bogdan Albina, Georgiana Dascalu, Dan-Gheorghe Dimitriu And Silviu-Octavian Gurlui, Planetary Boundary Layer Dynamics: optical emission and space-time resolved spectroscopy, EMS Annual Meeting European Conference on Applied Climatology E C AC, Vol. 11, EMS2014-314, 2014, 14th EMS / 10th ECAC  
  19. L. Belegante, M.M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, F. Toanca, J. Vasilescu, M.I. Rusu, N. Ajtai, H. Stefanie, I. Vetres, A. Ozunu, S. Gurlui, Romanian Participation To Volcanic Ash Exercise Volcex 2014, Conferinta “Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management” ELSEDIMA, 18-19 sept 2014, Cluj-Napoca, prezentare orala 
  20. J. Vasilescu, L. Marmureanu, F. Canonaco, J.G. Slowik, A. Nemuc, I. El Haddad, A.S.H. Prevot, Chemical composition and source identification of aerosols in Bucharest, Conferinta “Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management” ELSEDIMA, 18-19 sept 2014, Cluj-Napoca, prezentare orala 
  21. M. M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, F. Unga, B. Albina, L. Hrostea, M. Iftime, G. Bulai, S. Gurlui, Aircraft particle emissions and its influences over optical parameters from AERONET, ELSEDIMA (Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management), Cluj-Napoca, 18–19 Septembrie 2014 
  22. D. Nicolae, L. Belegante, M. M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, S. Gurlui, N. Ajtai, H. Stefanie, A. Ozunu, I. Vetres, I. Ionel, D. Visoiu, Romanian participation to volcanic ash exercise VOLCEX 2014, ELSEDIMA (Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management), Cluj-Napoca, 18–19 Septembrie 2014 
  23. A. Timofte, M. M. Cazacu, L. Belegante, D. C. Bostan, B. Albina, L. Leontie, S. Gurlui, Analysis and validation of Planetary Boundary Layer height forecasted by ALARO, by means of LIDAR data, ELSEDIMA (Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management), Cluj-Napoca, 18–19 Septembrie 2014 
  24. M. Cazacu, A.Timofte, D. Dimitriu, G. Bulai, M. Strat, S. Gurlui, Aerosol RemoteSensing: Fast Laser Optical Emission Spectroscopy, ELSEDIMA (Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management), Cluj-Napoca, 18–19 Septembrie 2014, prezentare orala 
  25. B. Albina, M.M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, S. Gurlui, Aeronet optical parameters under the influence of aircraft particle emissions, TIM14 Physics Conference – Physics without frontiers, Timisoara, 20 – 22 nov. 2014, , prezentare orala 
  26. B. Albina, M.M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, S. Gurlui, Thermography techniques correlated with lidar data for pbl identification and height variation study, TIM14 Physics Conference – Physics without frontiers, Timisoara, 20 – 22 nov. 2014 
  27. O. Rusu, A. Timofte, M. M. Cazacu, S. Gurlui, F. Brinza, L.Leontie, A case study of meteorological parameters near water accumulations with complementary regional data, TIM14 Physics Conference – Physics without frontiers, Timisoara, 20 – 22 nov. 2014 
  28. D-C. Bostan, A. Timofte, S. Bostan, M.M. Cazacu, Studiu mezoscalar al viscolului din ianuarie 2013 din Moldova, Conferința Națională “Atmosfera și Hidrosfera. Cunoaștere interdisciplinară, manifestare, evoluție, valorificare, protecție, importanță”, Universitatea “Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava, 28-29 martie 2014 
  29. M. M. Cazacu, B. Albina, A. Timofte, D-C. Bostan, S. Gurlui, Analiza proprietatilor optice ale aerosolilor atmosferici derivate din reteaua AERONET-NASA. Studiu de caz asupra punctului de monitorizare Iasi LOA-SL, Conferința Națională “Atmosfera și Hidrosfera. Cunoaștere interdisciplinară, manifestare, evoluție, valorificare, protecție, importanță”, Universitatea “Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava, 28-29 martie 2014 
  30. B. Albina, M. M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, G. Dascalu, J. H. Tchami, D. Gh. Dimitriu, S. Gurlui, Transport of saharan dust mixed with urban industrial pollutants. Preliminary results, Fizica și Tehnologiile Educaționale Moderne, Iași, 16 mai 2014 
  31. M. Iftime, L. Hrostea, B. Albina, M. M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, J. H. Tchami, G. Dascalu, D. Gh. Dimitriu, S. Gurlui, Physical and chemical characteristics of saharan dust events. Biological effects, Fizica și Tehnologiile Educaționale Moderne, Iași, 16 mai 2014 
  32. N. M. Olaru, S. Teodoroff-Onesim, M. M. Cazacu, G. Dascalu, A. Timofte, D. Gh. Dimitriu, S. Gurlui, Optical and electrical techniques for aerosol investigation environment sensors obtained by PLD, Fizica și Tehnologiile Educaționale Moderne, Iași, 16 mai 2014 
  33. L. Hrostea, M. Iftime, B. Albina, J. H. Tchami, M. M. Cazacu, G. Dascalu, D. Gh. Dimitriu, L. Leontie, S. Gurlui, Studies of troposphere microsized particles healt relevance, Fizica și Tehnologiile Educaționale Moderne, Iași, 16 mai 2014  
  34. A. Timofte, M. M. Cazacu, S. Gurlui, D. Nicolae, L. Belegante, C. Talianu, Utilizarea sistemelor lidar în România, pentru investigarea intruziunilor de cenușă vulcanică, Sesiunea Anuală de Comunicări Științifice, București, 6-7 nov. 2014 
  35.  B. Albina, M.M Cazacu, A. Timofte, S. Gurlui, Study on variation of atmospheric aerosols optical parameters using statistical Aeronet data analysis, FARPHYS, Iași, 25 oct 2014 



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